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Tag Archives: photo
My Muse Lives in Philbrook
Writers are always chattering on about their muses like they’re distinct personalities. Another being aside from the writer him/herself. I know. I do it too. I think it’s a way of disassociating myself from the less socially acceptable thoughts and … Continue reading
Posted in Fun, visual art, Writing
Tagged muse, photo, the writing life
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Visual Tuesday: Reflection
I’m sure there’s a story in this one. I wonder what it is?
The Return of Visual Tuesday!
Here are a couple of cute chaps to brighten up your Tuesday morning. ; Hope you have a fabulous day!
Warning! Too Much Cuteness Ahead!
Isn’t he a charmer? My pet name for his mommy was “Bug”…this picture reminds me why *lol* What a handsome little sleeper!
Our Expanding Family!
I’ve waited a bit to announce here, but my darling daughter (DD for short :D) has given us a new grandson *happy dance* Isn’t he gorgeous? The “Week 1” card is part of a set DD was given as a … Continue reading