Visual Tuesday: Water Under the Bridge…

I’m continuing my globe-trotting ways this week. This beautiful photo was taken in Slovenia. I love the composition and soft colors, and of course, water is always a winner for me.

Congrats to the photographer on a gorgeous piece of art! Be sure to click on the picture and follow it back to its original site.


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2 Responses to Visual Tuesday: Water Under the Bridge…

  1. Gwen says:

    Wow – that is so cool. I love how all the bare branches end up looking like an etching or canvas painting in contrast to the super-smooth water. Wish I could see it in person. It looks like a passage into Rivendell. 😀

    Oh, and I have a present for you over on my blog, though you don’t have to participate, lol.

  2. LOL – I left you a message.

    Love this photo. I was thinking it makes a great inspirational piece. What story happens in this setting? I can see kelpies in the water, and the tunnel definitely leads to another dimension, don’t you think?

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