
As if my infant grandson’s perfect surgery and stellar recovery wasn’t enough, the universe saw fit to give me yet more good news. What was that, you ask?

On the day of the surgery, I received “The Email”…an agent interested in representing my work!

Who says the universe doesn’t have a sense of humor? At any other time, that email would’ve sent me into a whirl of nerves. As it was, I responded that she’d caught me at a bad time, explained my situation, and asked for leave to get back to her in a few days.

Well…a few days passed and I spoke to her on the phone earlier in the week. I think we’re going to make a very good team. Faery Unexpected will need some changes, but her requests are reasonable and I understand her thinking. All to the good. I have the draft contract in my little grubby fingers, and the real deal is in the mail.

Wow! What an amazing (and emotionally exhausting) two weeks!

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One Response to Simultaneity

  1. This such great news! You know, things always happen in threes. You’ve got one more coming.

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