Muse Communication

Have you ever noticed that the subconscious / muse is a funny entity? Wouldn’t you think that if you KNEW something subconsciously, you could just…I dunno…TELL your conscious self about it?

I was writing along great guns for the first three weeks of January. Meeting my goals every day, making excellent progress on my urban fantasy (which has been plotted for the better part of a year–trust me, that’ll be important in a sec), when all of a sudden, I hit a wall. I could still write, I just couldn’t make any progress on THAT story.

About that same time it was becoming increasingly clear that my infant grandson was going to require major surgery. Important, yes. Cause for concern on my part, definitely. Reason for a writing block for an urban fantasy novel, HUH?

Yesterday the little man had an appointment with a neurosurgeon which confirmed what we had anticipated…he’s going to require cranial surgery within the next few weeks.

Driving home from my daughter’s home, it suddenly hit me. I can’t work on my urban fantasy because a large part of the plot revolves around a pediatric unit at a hospital and small children at risk from an unexplained malady. *DUH* Do you think the two are connected? Do you think my muse knew it all along? Do you think she could’ve clued me in so I could’ve switched projects a couple of weeks ago? Evidently not!

Anyhow…since no one is waiting for this manuscript, I’m officially giving myself permission to set it aside and work on something else until our little man is safely recovered from surgery.

Besides, think of the insight into the workings of a pediatric unit I’m going to glean during the time I spend visiting one…

All will be well. The little man will be fine, and the urban fantasy will be finished eventually, but communication with my muse remains a mystery. *shakes head*

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2 Responses to Muse Communication

  1. Sue says:

    You’re a good “Grammy,” Debbie, to the benefit of all the little ones in your life, and a good writer to the benefit of all your fans!


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