Macmillan vs. Amazon

Have you read the scuttlebutt about Amazon dropping all Macmillan books from their ordering system? It’s big news in the publishing world and I’m not really equipped to explain it to you, but the short version is Amazon is attempting to use its size and power to force Macmillan (which has MANY well-known publishing names, including Tor) to adopt its (Amazon’s) pricing structure. Macmillan is not complying, so Amazon is punishing.

For a well thought-out LONG version of the controversy, I’d recommend reading this article by Tobias Buckell. I’ve got to say, I love his take on what he wants the reader to do about it:

Nothing. If you’re a reader, it’s not your problem. Buy the books you want where you can.

Gotta love a man who understands economics and how a free-market economy works.

Thanks for sharing your take, Tobias!

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