Macmillan and Amazon Fallout…

Publishers Weekly reports that the stand-off between Macmillan and Amazon may be about to end, and surprisingly, it looks like Macmillan will come out on top!

PW also posted an article on response from the publishing community at large, specifically the AAR. You might also find agent Richard Curtis’ thoughts on the situation interesting.

This whole showdown has been interesting to watch unfold. Interesting…and educational. As always, I’m fascinated by the inner workings of the publishing industry.

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3 Responses to Macmillan and Amazon Fallout…

  1. Marci Baun says:

    While Amazon was wrong in trying to set prices for a publisher, Macmillan obvoiusly doesn’t know the ebook market. Fifteen dollars for a fiction ebook will be a hard sell. Of course, it only makes it better for us indies. (g)

  2. Marci Baun says:

    I meant to say too that I really like your new website design. 🙂

  3. Thanks, Marci! And I agree. I think Macmillan is going to price their ebooks out of the market, but that’s their right…and so much better for independent presses! Besides, the more ebooks hit the mainstream, the better for all of us.

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