Tuesday Cuteness & Writing Retreat!

Woo Hoo!!! I’m outta here tomorrow for a writing retreat on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Five days of no cell service and minimal Internet should mean LOTS of productivity for Debbie!

So, I’ll leave you with our Tuesday Cuteness for this first week of March and bid you a fond farewell until next week.

Be good and have fun! (And no, those two are NOT mutually exclusive *LOL*)

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2 Responses to Tuesday Cuteness & Writing Retreat!

  1. Awww! You know, those puppies actually make wrinkles cute!
    So far it hasn’t worked for me. Wah!


    Have a great time at your retreat! Wish I was going too.


  2. Debbie says:

    Thanks for dropping by, C.C. I’m so jazzed about this retreat!!

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