Thursday Thirteen…The Writing Process

Thirteen Phases of Debbie Mumford’s Writing Process…

1. The Thrill of a new idea…characters who pop into my head and demand that I tell their story.

2. The “Getting to Know You” phase…getting to know my characters and discovering why their story is worth telling.

3. The Unexpected Twists and Turns…discovering their secrets that keep the middle from turning into a muddle *grin*

4. The Revelation that leads to The End…I always know how my story will end before I start, but discovering how my characters get there is a rush!

5. Writing those magical words: The End…the satisfaction…the pride…the utter contentment of having completed the story.

6. The first polishing draft…fixing all the little problems I was too involved with the story to notice on the first draft.

7. Sending it out to my beta-readers for comments and critiques … nail-biting time. Is it good enough to hold their interest? Does the writing show promise?

8. Reading the crits and comments…which ones do I accept and which do I choose to ignore? Decisions, decisions…

9. Writing the Final Draft…lots of writers do MANY drafts. I don’t…at least, not before submittal.

10. Printing a copy for my DH to copy-edit…you should all be so lucky as to have a detail-oriented man who isn’t a fan of your genre read your final manuscript.

11. Fixing the Errors DH discovers…and often adding a much-needed male perspective.

12. Choosing My Target Market…if the story wasn’t written with a specific market in mind.

13. Submitting That Puppy!!!!…my job is finished for now. I have no control over the outcome of this step, but I’ve done everything required of a professional writer. What comes next? Why, begin the process again, of course! *LOL*

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12 Responses to Thursday Thirteen…The Writing Process

  1. MsMenozzi says:

    Wow – I’ve never had it broken down like that before…

    I hope to be able to get through the whole process – and add to that list a happy #14: Get it Published!

    I’ll happy dance quite a while when that happens. 😉

    Fun list, Happy TT!


  2. How true, Debbie. Awesome.

  3. Nadia says:

    I love discovering new ideas, but polishing can be tough.

  4. wow now that is a list…yeah i have a list too….gotta work on that baby till it is perfect

  5. Paige Tyler says:

    Love those!


    My TT is at

  6. Alice Audrey says:

    We’re the same for 1-4. Then I go my own way.

  7. Stephanie says:

    Yep yep yep … isn’t it fun?? 😀 Great list!

  8. I love the first part of the process. Sitting my butt in a chair and writing is something I find difficult! 😉

  9. Wow.. your DH reads your work? Mine doesn’t… hasn’t got the least bit of interest (though he supports me!).

    Happy TT!

  10. I hear ya! I especially love those first 5 steps. 😀 Good to see your DH is so supportive and involved in your work. 😀

  11. Heather says:

    Wow, what a great list, Debbie. It can be a wild and fascinating process, no?

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