Thursday Thirteen – Twins!

Thirteen Things Debbie Mumford Knows About Twins…

In honor of my twins’ birthday, I thought I’d tell you a bit about being a mother of twins!

1. A Twin Pregnancy is an *expanding* experience (I got to where I couldn’t roll over at night without assistance from my DH *lol*)

2. A single crib will sleep two for quite a while.
(Hey! They’re accustomed to togetherness…)

3. Diapers, diapers, and more diapers…’nuff said.

4. They share germs anyway, save time…use a single spoon. (Mealtimes can feel like an assembly line before they learn to feed themselves.)

5. In the “nature vs. nurture” argument, nature wins. (IMHO as the mother of boy / girl twins)

6. Twins are much easier to leave with a sitter than a singleton. (They have each other…who cares whether mom and dad are present?)

7. Taking infant twins out in public is an open invitation for strangers to approach.
(Multiple babies are instant ice-breakers)

8. Taking a weekend trip feels like traveling with a small circus. (More gear is required than you can imagine)

9. My twins were my first *child*…I didn’t know what I was doing anyway, so why not learn on two?

10. After twins, a single infant is a piece of cake!!

11. Twins run in my family. (A fact I wasn’t privy to until *after* we learned we were expecting twins!)

12. I’m incredibly proud of the adults my twins have become. My son is an unmarried musician while his twin sister is married with children.

13. My daughter is currently expecting her third child. (No multiples for her…yet!)

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13 Responses to Thursday Thirteen – Twins!

  1. Inez Kelley says:

    Aren’t twins a trip! I am hopeful since you survived, I will too!! ROFL

    And my favorite twin comment is SO WHICH IS THE EVIL TWIN?

    Uhm, these are my spawn, Damien and his twin, the Omen. ’nuff said.

  2. Happy Birthday to the twins! My Bday is tomorrow. I always wanted to have twins. My girls are 16 months apart, so I sort of know what it feels like. Happy T13!

  3. Stephanie says:

    Happy Birthday to the twins! *hug*

  4. I keep saying that I’d like twins…

  5. Debbie says:

    Careful what you wish for, Mel! LOL (I always wanted twins…and I got them!! YAY me!)

  6. Pamela Sweet says:

    A very Happy Birthday to the twins! Very nice T13!

  7. Alice Audrey says:

    Twins run in my family too, but I didn’t have any.

  8. I was kind of disappointed not to have twins — until I discovered how harrowing one baby could be, LOL! Glad you enjoyed the experience, though.

  9. Happy Birthday to your twins!!! I had mine 362 days apart so I can kind of relate….a little. LOL.
    Great TT.

  10. Happy birthday to your twins. I enjoyed your TT

  11. great list……twins are so cool

  12. Heather says:

    Aw, what a great post! I hope they both enjoyed their birthday.

    (Sorry for the late post–was experiencing computer issues yesterday.)

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