Ready to Shine in 2009!

With just a few days to go before 2009 arrives, I sat down with my calendar and planned my new writing year!

Yes, I know. It’ll never go like I’ve got it planned, but at least I’ve set some goals and charted a course.

Since I’m currently unemployed I set my calendar up with weekends marked off as family time. Until such time as I’m again gainfully employed, I’m going to treat writing as my day job. Having never had that luxury, I have no idea how many pages I can produce in a normal workday on a consistent basis. I’m starting with the bar set fairly low…5 pages a day Monday through Friday.

Figuring 180 manuscript pages for a YA and 375 manuscript pages for an adult single title, I figure I can write one YA and two ST’s this year. That estimate includes the first draft, a “One Pass Revision” draft to be sent out to beta readers, and a final polish once I have comments back. Whew!

I’m never short of ideas for my stories…my challenge will be deciding on a project and then following it through to completion!

Alright. I’m geared up. My goals are in place. I have a plan for BICHOK (butt-in-chair-hands-on-keyboard). I’m ready to shine in 2009!!

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