Family Traditions

Today is my eldest grandson’s 18th birthday, and in honor of the occasion I thought I’d share a family birthday tradition with you. Thirteen years ago, on that first grandson’s 5th birthday, I decided on a new way to celebrate. All kids like teddy bears, right? So when each grandchild turned 5, we would take them out lunch and then visit a Build-A-Bear Workshop. No parents. Just Grammie and Grandpa and the birthday kidlet… and whatever new critter the kidlet chose to create.

Naturally, I expected teddy bears. Boy, was I wrong! As we were driving to the mall for that first adventure, I asked Grandson #1 if he liked bears, and was told, “No!” (Rather emphatically *lol*) I feared for the success of our outing, but fortunately, the store has lots of other choices.

Grandson #1 chose a husky dog, which he named Balto. (Yes. He was a fan of that animated film.)

A few years later, Granddaughter #1 did not disappoint. She chose a bear, and even ended up with a matching princess gown!

When his turn came, Grandson #2 also chose a dog, but was more interested in the corn dog he had for lunch *lol*

Grandson #3 also chose a dog. No, they’re not all brothers! But they do all appreciate a good dog!

And last, but far from least, Granddaughter #2 chose… not a bear… not a dog… but a cat!

So, nine years after the tradition began, it ended. But to this day I have fond memories of the kidlets’ Build-A-Bear birthdays, and the critters they chose to create!

About Debbie

Debbie Mumford specializes in fantasy and paranormal romance. She loves mythology and is especially fond of Celtic and Native American lore. She writes about faeries, dragons, and other fantasy creatures for adults as herself, and for tweens and young adults as Deb Logan.
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