I’m really pleased to announce that I have a new short story available. “Trial on the Trail” is a Yellowstone adventure. In the here and now. No fantasy elements, just a bit of family drama.
I know, I know. Not the my usual fare, but I love Yellowstone and I had fun writing this. AND since you can’t visit Yellowstone at the moment due to unprecedented flooding, the tale is strangely timely.
Anyway, here it is…

by Debbie Mumford
Audience: General Adult | Adventure | Short Story
Family. Our greatest asset… and sometimes our greatest trial.
When Ranger Jed Knowles’ family decides to visit Yellowstone National Park he expects some tense moments. After all, his high-achieving family isn’t overly impressed with his decision to become a park ranger. But Jed never expected the predicament his neurosurgeon brother and his twin sons put the family in… not to mention the danger. Will Ranger Jed be able to save the day? And possibly earn the respect he deserves from the people he loves most?