
When I started this blogging streak, I wasn’t sure I’d manage to post on a daily basis for even a full week. Well, I far exceeded that weak expectation.

Today marks SIX MONTHS without missing a day!


Today also marks the end of my streak. I’ve decided that–now that I know I can do it–I’m no longer going to work on maintaining that streak. I’ll still blog, but it’ll be on a much more haphazard basis.

So for now… “So long! Farewell!” I’ll see you when I have something exciting to report 😀

About Debbie

Debbie Mumford specializes in fantasy and paranormal romance. She loves mythology and is especially fond of Celtic and Native American lore. She writes about faeries, dragons, and other fantasy creatures for adults as herself, and for tweens and young adults as Deb Logan.
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