It’s time for a cover revamp!

I’m in the process of updating a few of my covers. The stories are the same… only the covers have changed. Because we all know, people DO judge a book by its cover *lol*

So which titles are getting a revamped? All is about to be revealed!

First up: Red’s Magick

Here’s the original cover:

And here’s the updated version:

I’m very pleased with the change. I hope you are too!

Next up is another Red story. This one is Seeing Red

Here’s the original:

And here’s the new version:

Again, I’m really pleased with the new look.

Now that Red’s been taken care of, we move to The Signs of the Prophecy series. The first book is Youngest, and it’s had two covers so far…

But (IMHO) neither of them works as well as this new one:

I like to think the same can be said of the second book’s covers. Here are the two covers Seeker has had so far:

And here *drumroll, please* is Seeker‘s new look…

Now all I have to do is write the final book in the trilogy! I promise, Chosen will be along in a year or so 😀

About Debbie

Debbie Mumford specializes in fantasy and paranormal romance. She loves mythology and is especially fond of Celtic and Native American lore. She writes about faeries, dragons, and other fantasy creatures for adults as herself, and for tweens and young adults as Deb Logan.
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