
Can you believe it? I’m now firmly into my 6th month of daily blogging. Wow. I seriously wondered whether or not I could even make it 30 days when I began this journey, and here I am nearing half a year. I repeat: Wow!

This being the beginning of the first full week of 2022, I’m now jumping into the deep end of my planned projects for the year. First up: a crime story. Will one of my established characters take the stage, or will my muse introduce me to someone new? I can hardly wait to find out!

And now, since a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s one of my established characters to feed my imagination:

Meet Delia Laubhan in “Delia’s Decision”

About Debbie

Debbie Mumford specializes in fantasy and paranormal romance. She loves mythology and is especially fond of Celtic and Native American lore. She writes about faeries, dragons, and other fantasy creatures for adults as herself, and for tweens and young adults as Deb Logan.
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