
Ahh… there’s nothing better than the feeling of writing “The End” on a story!

When I’m writing, the world around me disappears. I’m only aware of the characters in my story, what they’re doing and feeling, and wondering “what happens next?” Yes. It’s true. I’m one of those seat of the pants writers who has no idea what the next sentence will bring until I type it.

Honestly, I think that sense of wonder is what keeps me writing. After all, if I don’t type that next sentence, I’ll never know what happens! That can’t be… that would be like putting a book down unread *shudders*

Today I had the pleasure of finishing a story. It’s a contemporary romance set in a place and at an event that I know well. I enjoyed revisiting those sights and sounds through the senses of characters I brought to life *happy sigh*

I wrote this story specifically to submit to an anthology, and I’ll do that, but it’s a comfort to know that *I* like these characters. *I* enjoyed this story. So whether it’s accepted into the anthology or not, I’ll publish it eventually. And who knows? Others may enjoy reading this little tale that I enjoyed creating!

And now… for your enlightenment… I give you a picture of Georgia. A wonderful dog who left us far too soon.

About Debbie

Debbie Mumford specializes in fantasy and paranormal romance. She loves mythology and is especially fond of Celtic and Native American lore. She writes about faeries, dragons, and other fantasy creatures for adults as herself, and for tweens and young adults as Deb Logan.
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