Web Design for the Non-Designer

Today I thought I’d share a few of the things I’ve learned about web site design. Specifically, web design for the NON-DESIGNER!

Check out this article: http://dulemba.com/index_easywebsite.html

Elizabeth Dulemba explains how to create an easy web site using your blog and purchasing the domain name of your choice. Quick, simple, and very affordable. Maybe not what you’ll want when you’re a NY Times Best Selling Author, but a great way to establish a web presence.

I used Elizabeth’s suggestions to establish www.debloganwrites.com for my YA alter-ego. I already have a web site for my adult fiction (www.debbiemumford.com) and I’m not ready to set up a full-fledged site for Deb. Elizabeth’s article allowed me to purchase my domain name and have something attached to it without a lot of capital outlay. Woot!

Here’s another helpful site: http://www.visibone.com/colorlab/

If you don’t know the code names for colors, this site will tell you, and it has the added benefit of giving you the opportunity to post swatches next to each other so you can get an idea what the combination would look like on your site.

I love the new blogger, because they’ve made it so easy to tailor their templates to your own needs. I especially appreciate being able to easily change colors and fonts. Visibone’s color lab gives you an edge on creating the color mood you want.

Good luck creating your own quick and easy site!

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One Response to Web Design for the Non-Designer

  1. Sandip Saini says:

    You just a fine tips. I get lots of information from it. Thanks

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