Thursday 13 – 13 Reasons I write

I haven’t participated in Thursday Thirteen for ages. But this idea came to me and I decided I needed to remind myself of why I make the effort to write…

13 Reasons I Write:

  1. I have stories to tell
  2. I enjoy playing with language
  3. I’m always fascinated to see where my characters will take me
  4. I love putting words together and finding out if I’ve conveyed my thought to someone else – relatively accurately
  5. I enjoy the suspense of discovering “what happens next”
  6. Imagination ROCKS!
  7. Filling a blank computer screen with text is an awesome accomplishment
  8. Because it’s in my blood (my brother is a cowboy poet and my mom wrote too…she just never got around to publishing)
  9. Because my characters demand to be let out of my brain and given existence on the page
  10. I love words. (I actually read the dictionary for fun when I was a kid)
  11. I love the touch of my keyboard
  12. I love the “zone”…when the words are flowing and the story is telling itself
  13. Because I can!
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8 Responses to Thursday 13 – 13 Reasons I write

  1. I love this! I have a lot of the same reasons for loving writing – in fact, the only one I don’t share with you is number eight. I’m the only member of my family who has been compelled to write.

  2. Heather says:

    Excellent Thirteen, Debbie!

  3. Great reasons! I can relate, even to reading the dictionary, though not exactly cover to cover. 🙂

  4. K.S. Manning says:

    Awesome post, Debbie! Great reasons and an excellent come back post!

  5. Thanks for visiting, everyone!

  6. All great reasons. Imagination does indeed rock!

  7. Skylar Kade says:

    What a wonderful list and reminder! Thanks Debbie.

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